The Trees

Background Summary and Tree Characteristics

The new cherry variety Skylar Rae® (Tip Top Cultivar) originated as a chance seedling of unknown parentage. The seedling was found in a commercial "Sweetheart" cherry (not patented) orchard planted in 2002 near Wenatchee, Washington. In 2005, it was observed that the seedling was markedly different from the surrounding trees. It was similar in appearance to a 'Rainier' cherry tree (not patented), but was distinguished from 'Rainier' by its sweeter, more crisp fruit and its early maturity. Additionally, fruit of the newly discovered plant was found to be resistant to bruising and browning. Trees were propagated from the seedling by budding onto 'Mazzard' rootstock near Wenatchee, Washington to determine whether the desired characteristics of the chance seedling would carry through to asexually propagated progeny. The distinguishing characteristics of the tree and fruit of the newly discovered variety are reproduced through asexual propagation and have remained stable through successive generations.

Information is based on observations of the original tree of the variety planted in 2002 and grown on 'Mazzard' rootstock (not patented). It should be understood that the characteristics described may vary somewhat depending upon cultural practices and climatic conditions, and can vary with location and season.